The cycle of life

Yesterday was a strange day. Ominously perhaps, we returned to the field to be greeted by snowfall – in April! The first new born infant of the Tourist group has arrived! We found Olive holding her baby, protecting it from the cold and snow. She probably gave birth during the night, as the umbilical cord was […]

Newborn and TV

Sorry for the late news on the blog. I would like to give you more information on what happens here every day, because something exciting always happens but unfortunately, 24 hours in a day are just not enough to do everything. For several weeks now we have been waiting for the first new born infants, […]

Urine collection

As part of the project, we need to collect urine samples. Despite the laughter of friends when I am telling them that a part of the work is to collect urine from wild monkeys, collecting urine samples is hard-work! First you never know when the monkey that you are following is going to urinate. You […]

Hallelujah the snow is here!

This title may be surprising for a number of people who understand how hard it is to work under such conditions. However, I would say that when the snow arrived two weeks ago, I did not expect it.   Firstly, the snow came after over 2 months without any rain. According to the locals, this […]