New study: preventing disease transmission between tourists and Barbary macaques There is an increased risk of disease transmission between humans and wild animals when tourists come into close proximity (< 10 meters) or in contact with these animals, for example by feeding them. This can have serious impacts for the health of both tourists and […]
Preventing monkey bites
Wildlife tourists frequently fail to identify aggressive and distressed emotional states in wild monkeys – mistaking animals’ warnings of aggression for ‘smiles’ and ‘kisses’. This can lead to welfare problems for primates and risk of injury for people. In our new paper we examined whether educational tools intended to help tourists recognise different facial expressions in monkeys – […]
Eco-guards to protect the endangered Barbary macaque
The Moroccan Primate Conservation Foundation (MPCF), a key partner of the Barbary Macaque Project, has just started a new programme to protect the endangered Barbary macaques: 2 eco-guards have been trained by MPCF and Liz Campbell (from the Barbary Macaque Project) to avoid poaching of the monkeys in the forest near the city of […]