We have had a new paper published in Animal Behaviour on male Barbary macaques and who they pick to support them in a fight. Find the paper here: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003347214002590 Male primates are known to cooperate together to gain greater benefits than they could achieve alone, such as access to females for mating or to increase their […]
New Paper on Post-Conflict Affiliation
A new paper from our team has just been published in the journal Animal Behaviour. The paper focuses on bystander post-conflict affiliation (i.e. the friendly post-conflict interaction between one of the former opponents and an individual not involved in the conflict) and it is one of the first studies to provide evidence that non-anthropoid primates (e.g. […]
New paper published by members of the Barbary Macaque Project
A new paper from our team has just been published in the journal African Zoology: Kaburu SSK, MacLarnon A, Majolo B, Qarro M, Semple S (2012). Dominance rank and self-scratching among wild female Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). African Zoology., 47: 74-79. Here is the abstract: Measuring rates of self-scratching provides a powerful index of anxiety […]